What Our Speakers Say
The transition to a bioeconomy is a potential game changer that may have a large impact on food and nutrition security, as well as on the ways in which agri-food systems are designed and operated. In view of the upcoming IAMO Forum 2021 that is dedicated to the development of bioeconomy in transition countries, IAMO has initiated a series of interviews with the keynote speakers of the Forum.

Alina Osmakova | CEO, Association “Technology Platform Bioindustry and Bioresources BioTech2030”, Russian Federation
“Essential to develop biotechnology despite natural resource abundance in Russia”
Please read the complete interview here.

Dimitris Diakosavvas | Senior Economist, Agriculture and Resource Policy Division of the OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate
“Monitoring bioeconomy development should be priority when implementing policies.”
Please read the second part of the interview here.

Dimitris Diakosavvas | Senior Economist, Agriculture and Resource Policy Division of the OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate
“Policy coherence is essential to maximize benefits from growing bioeconomy.”
Please read the first part of the interview here.

Matin Qaim | Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of Goettingen, Germany
"Better science communication could support public acceptance of new plant breeding technologies."
Please read the complete interview here.